Next Meeting:
Please check the calendar for updated meetings.
Upcoming Campouts:
To check if you are signed up for any of these campouts, please regard the Camp Roster
Please check the calendar for up coming events and times
Merit Badges:
When looking for a Merit Badges keep in mind you need to ask your Scoutmaster, obtain a blue card and a list of councilors, and take a buddy with you to all meetings.
Service Projects and opportunities:
See an adult leader for a list of possible projects.
Word of Appreciation:
To the leadership of our troop, who generously give their time to help the scouts, the members of our committee, who help plan the program and help behind the scenes, the members of Christ the King Lutheran Church, who support the program and give us a place to meet, and the people within the community who also support us in many ways. The members of Troop 20 Thank you. Together we can continue to build a better community through the leadership opportunities you are providing.
12/24/08 10:51 AM -0600