About Troop 20

Updated as of 7/11/02

    A little history on our troop.  Our troop was originally chartered on September 19, 1932 to a Episcopal Church in Delafield.  The first scoutmaster was Reverend Thomas Whitney.  Since its charter there have been 38 boys that have earned the rank of Eagle. There have been 2 scouts who have earned Eagle Palms.  We have been chartered to Christ the King Lutheran Church for over 40 years.

Troop Today

     Troop 20 is chartered to Christ the King Lutheran Church, meeting on Monday evenings from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. in the youth center, located in the basement of the church.  The troop welcomes parents to attend any meeting and outing at any time. Our committee meetings are also open to parents.

    Members do not need to be members of the church to be registered to the troop.