Boy Scout Troop 119

St. Dominic Congregation, Brookfield, WI

 A Scout is...Trustworthy...Loyal...Helpful...Friendly...Courteous...Kind...Obedient...Cheerful...Thrifty...Brave...Clean...Reverent

Leader Helpers
Members Only

[Under Construction]


Upcoming Training Opportunities

See the Training  Page

Merit Badge Counselor Information

Training information for counselor's from MacScouter. (Click here)

Excellent training guide in Microsoft Word format from . (Click here)

Merit Badge Counselor registration form.  Complete and send to PAC with copy to Committee Chairperson.

Miscellaneous Leader Resource Links

TroopMaster Software Manual (pdf file - about 50 pages

TroopMaster Sofware Manual - section on satellite distribution (3 pages)

USScouting Service Project with thousands of links.

Leader Lore newsletter for leaders. Samples on-line. Subscription required.



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Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 BSA Troop 119
Last modified: 09/15/02